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Zhimin Guan, born in Anhui, China. Received BFA in China 1984, MFA in Painting from Fort Hays State University in Kansas, 1998.  Since 1998, he has been a professor at Minnesota State University.  Guan has exhibited his art in both the US and China which include: China National Art Gallery, China Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Singapore Asian Artist Gallery, Asian Cultural Center (NYC); Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The Fraser Gallery (Washington DC); Murphy Hill Gallery (Chicago); North Dakota Museum of Art, Plains Art Museum in North Dakota. For the past 20 years, he has held 20 solo shows and featured in 200 professional exhibitions and received 30 awards in the US and China. He received the McKnight Fellowship from the McKnight Foundation in Minnesota. He participated in the 2012 Contemporary Chinese Art Invitational Exhibition at Blue Roof Gallery in Chengdu, China. Guan’s art has published in many art magazines in China and US. His works are included in many permanent collections in the US, China, and Singapore museums.


Since 2000, Guan has conducted numerals painting workshops and presentations including University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Crookston, Kansas State University, Fort Hays State University, University of Wisconsin, California State University Long Beach, William Paterson University in New Jersey, Asian Culture Center in New York, University of North Dakota, Concordia College,  Dalian Art Institute,  Guanxi Art Institute, Dalian University of Technology, Anhui Normal University, Jiangsu Normal University in China among others.


关智民,美籍华人, 生于中国安徽,1984 年大学毕业,1985-1995先后任教于安徽淮北煤炭师范大学, 大连工业大学工业设计艺术学院。1995年赴美留学,1998年获美国堪萨斯州立海斯堡大学美术硕士。同年任美国明尼苏达州立大学美术教授,2003年任该校终身教授至今。 自1990年起,他的绘画作品先后入选美国各地评审展200多次,包括纽约、费城、芝加哥、洛杉矶、华盛顿特区,圣路易斯,明尼阿坡利斯的画廊及博物馆展出。获奖30 余次。作品曾在中国北京、上海、广州,杭州、南京、西安、济南,沈阳,大连、波兰及新加坡等地展出。2010荣获明尼苏达州杰出艺术创作基金奖。2016获北达科达州杰出艺术创作基金。作品曾发表于中国及美国画刊/报纸30 余次。作品被众多博物馆、美术馆、大学画廊、文化机构,企业,私人收藏家收藏。2012年应邀参加四川成都蓝顶艺术画廊举行的国际艺术家邀请展及“溯源” 艺术家居住; 2015年作品参加纽约亚洲文化中心举办的全美华人艺术教授协会艺术展及大型研讨会,并就美国华人艺术家的文化身份,艺术创作及生活现状做嘉宾演讲。 2016年8月参加在中国贵阳举行的全美华人艺术教授协会艺术展及大型研讨会。现为安徽师范大学,安徽机电学院,江苏师范大学,阜阳师范学院,大连外国语学院国际艺术设计学院,大连理工大学建筑艺术学院,大连艺术学院,中国矿业大学美术学院等院校客座教授。  


宣言:作为写实画家,我一直寻求西方传统再现性艺术,表现主义以及试验性艺术的平衡点。并着力结合东方和西方,古代和当代的艺术表达方式。二十年来,我创作了六组作品。早期绘画作品"化石系列"力图揭示当代人在自由和限制,现实和理想,物质欲望和精神追求之间失落迷茫,孤独挣扎的心理状态。"铝板风景系列“,我采用废旧的工业铁、铝材料,用写实技术描绘柔嫩细腻稍纵即逝的晚秋风景,表现了我对当代美国社会物质丰富,科技发达却情感淡漠,文化衰败的评价。"天意系列"来自西方宗教和东方哲学的启示,以挥洒自由的笔触来表现抽象灵动的山水气韵和 激情奔放的生命张力,试图寻找东西方艺术精神元素材料的切合点。



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